Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oprah I am not.

Inspired by some friends, I'm presenting my Christmas list for your enjoyment. Now this is mostly just for fun, since it's already been decided I'll be getting some help towards completing my bedroom set as my Christmas present. Practicality, my friends, practicality.

Courtesy of the most awfully named furniture store in history

Think of this as my version of Oprah's favorite things. Except no one is getting them all for free. Sorry guys.

West Elm Sheets (I seriously have a problem staying away from the color gray)

Coach Poppy Perfume

Pioneer Woman Cookbook (If you have a few hours to kill, go explore her website. If you still need some convincing, she got to throw down vs. Bobby Flay. There you go.)

Top Secret Recipes Cookbooks

Kate Spade Ipod Case

This set of prints for my kitchen from Etsy seller dazeychic

Any of the wreaths from this Etsy shop, I seriously can't pick a favorite.

And one last Etsy find: This necklace, or any of its friends from the seller Spinthread.

So there you have it. I'm not this selfish and materialistic, really. I just went a little overboard here. Consider it my gift guide for the holidays. These all have my seal of approval. I've got 5 more days of vacation (!!!!) until it's back to work, so my goal is 5 more blog posts. Can I do it? Probably not. Tune in to watch me fail!


  1. Oh dang. I have that cookbook and it saves my life.

  2. oh wow that is a gorgeous necklace :)

    krystal x
